It's me, hi...

About me

So, I may have spent way too much time finding a decent picture and I still think it's not great, but it will serve its purpose.

Anyways, hello there! My name is Tom, and I am a Unity Indie Developer. I taught myself how to code when I was 13, I truly enjoyed being able to bring my ideas to life, it felt magical (I also started developing Unity Assets!).

Now, after a while, I decided to create my own place in the world wide web, so that I could stop relying on other websites and finally have some space for my own. I live in Argentina, and as some may know, living here is not the best. Despite having its wonders, the country has been having a (very) tough time, no thanks to politics I guess. Exchange rate is always changing, so there is no point in writing an exact value as this economy gets worse progressively every day. Just keep in mind that everything you buy in foreign currency is always taxed like almost 100% of its original value, so basically you pay double the price for the same item (of course the extra money just goes straight to politicians). If you are interested in knowing how much is really worth 1 US dollar, just visit this site, whatever value you see in "dolar blue", that's how many Argentinean pesos you need to buy only ONE dollar.

Salaries are about 250 US dollars here, and keep in mind that is the salary for an average worker in the private sectors, you can always expect workers of the public sector to earn way more than that for doing way less (sorry but it's true), and that without taking in consideration in the public sector which make AT LEAST double the average salary, and it still quite low, I mean 500 US dollars... I know that is not a lot. So yeah, it's on surprise I kind of hate that and how it affects my work. Buying PC components, games, assets... everything is quite expensive.

Nothing to do with game/software development, I love programming in general, learning new languages (both programming and "real" languages). I love writing (although like this I usually don't keep up and quit most of my projects). Nonetheless, I try my best to improve and adapt, I know that eventually everything will be alright.

But well, that certainly didn't stop me, and I after going through some not-so-great experiences, I'd love to see my dreams come true, one step at a time. Hopefully this time I actually do something and stop procrastinating.

Anyways, thank you for reading this, and I truly hope my content is of your liking!